School Uniform

Junior Infants to 2nd Class

The school uniform is a royal blue pinafore, red tie, pale blue shirt and navy cardigan.

Red / navy tights or socks may be worn.

Blue school pinafore

3rd to 6th Class

Royal blue pinafore, red tie, pale blue shirt and navy cardigan.


Royal blue skirt, blue shirt, red tie and navy jumper.

Red / navy tights or socks may be worn.

Blue school skirt

Please ensure your daughter wears suitable footwear and that her hair is tied back.

P.E. Uniform – all classes

Plain, navy round neck tracksuit should be worn with a blue or white polo shirt. These are available in many retail outlets. Runners must be worn by all children for safety reasons. The teacher will let you know of your daughter’s P.E. timetable.

Pupils now have the option to wear the P.E. uniform every day from 1st November to February mid-term break.

The school uniform is available from Uniform Warehouse, Dublin Road, Maynooth, or on the online shop at